HEY PEEPS! IM BACK TO MY (almost) NORMAL SELF! NO MORE DRAMA! YAAAY! Anywho, we got a new quest! :D No, it's not boring. No it's not short. Yes it's a pain. BUT I LOVE IT! So here's Kitty Kat's Fuzzball!
First, if you travel to the forest, WATCH OUT! THE ROBOT IS SHOOTING LASER BEAMS AT YOU! RUN FOR LIVES! No just kidding. But consider yourself lucky if you get shot by a purple beam. You get molded out of purple goo! SO AWESOME! So the proffesser starts screaming on the top of hi lungs, telling you to come and see him. And I was all like, ''No way! U come up here and tell me urself!'' And than everyones like, ''OOOOH Senorita!'' So I had to go and see him cause he's too lazy to come up stairs. BUUUUUUT when I went down there,THERE WAS A GIANT MAGNET!
I was all like, NO WAY! So, of course, I went and talked to the old man. (shout out to the random guy in the pic)
So I talked to Lili! She asked me what i needed, and i said a mirror, and she said why you don't need a mirror! And I burst out laughing when she said
I can't believe she said that! Lolz!!! Anywho, so I brought the mirror to Proffesser and he said
So I talked to Gonzo BUUUUUT (this is the really long part) He said he had given the last of it to the guy down by the peer (forgot his name ;) So I talked to him. His hearing must be down cause when I asked him if he had it, he said
When he finnaly figured out I said 'sticky tape' he said he gave it to Pandabeard. So, naturally, I talked to Pandabeard! DUR! So then HE said
WHAT IS IT WITH PEOPLE AND STICKY TAPE! GRRRR So I went and talked to Pandalangelo and the HE said
... really? So i walked my big butt up to Paul's tower and guess what he said?
So now, I'm tired from running everywhere. So I screamed at my bolly for a few minutes then went to the underwater school. So I went to the underwater school's classroom and found the sticky tape!
Man, what I go through for sticky tape. So i talked to professor and he put it on my head. So naturally, I modeled it. And personally, it doesn't look half bad!
So now my friends, it it time to say goodbye to Kitty Kat's Fuzzball. So bye children! Grab ONE AND ONE ONLY lollipop on the way out! ... 'pulls out machine gun' I SAID ONE FREDRICK!
It's nice to hear that you're feeling better Popuri. You know, being sad and depressed never leads to anything good. (Trust me, I'm experienced). :)